Sunday, February 10, 2013

Things I said in Eulogy that are not in my Notes

Things I said at the funeral that I did not have in my notes.

Dale Sundermann
Hey buddy, I want to share an impression that your dad had left on me as a young man. In 93 I had been doing my student teaching at OGorman and paid rent by working as a server at Minervas 26th street market. Your family came in often. Now 1? time your dad was giving me a hard time about a problem with his meal, I believe to the slight embarrassment of your mom and sister . He turned to them and said, "I understand it is not his fault, but he can still make it right". I may have had that lesson before but at that moment it stuck. I took to heart that it does not matter who or how things got to a bad place, dont take it personally, just take the necessary action to make it as right as possible. The variation youll hear in my house with my teenage boys, ."Its not your fault? its your responsibility to make it right.. what are you going to do?" since your dad's not around, I guess I'll send that thank you to you for sharing your dad and making me and my boys better men. ... btw the whole family is in my prayers. I hope they are all doing well.

Picture of Chancellor about the time the following lunch conversation happened.

Funny Lunch With My Dad

Chancellor is having lunch with my Dad and myself.

Dad "Do you remember when you wanted to name your son Chance?"

Me "Chance... llor!  laughing I say, we both got what we wanted Dad."

Dad "Huh, I never made the connection."

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